Saturday 9 January 2010

Why Not?!…….and Pregnancy Tips!

Seven and a half months pregnant and very restless! For someone who loves being active and who lives her life like she has ants in her pants, being at home waiting for the small princess to arrive is something I’m not use too. I think everyone (both with children and without) have told me to enjoy the peace & quiet and be thankful for the time to myself, but whom, have never lived in my world! I only enjoy the quiet after I’ve experienced the noise and I only enjoy me time when I’ve been around people all day. Needless to say I did take some advice and after being inspired by many other friends I decided to put my idle hands to good use and enter the world of ‘blogging’!!
As an active person (and someone who likes to talk a lot) I thought I would ‘blog’ advice on health and fitness….and viola you have my Fabulous and Fit 4 All!

Now since I’m pregnant I thought it a good topic to talk about, especially as I’ve done many courses on pre and post natal exercise so I must be an expert right?!! Wrong!! What I need to do, is apologize to all those clients, friends and family members who I have trained whilst pregnant. I’m sorry for making you do a few more reps when you didn’t want too, or extending your time by another 5 minutes when you were already spent, or even dragging you out of bed when you clearly didn’t want to move.
If that ‘ME’ had told the current ‘me’ any of the above, I think the only strength I would have mastered would be just enough to knock ‘ME’ out!
I’m a firm believer that experience in key to understanding what people go through but until now I only understood through learning and textbook illustrations…..and boy things are very different on this side of the fence.

For an Active person, seeing my feet slowly disappear before my eyes, or having to cater for the increase bust size when planning a run, or simply trying to find the energy that has somehow been zapped from my body over night, is all a little overwhelming to say the least.
But luckily there are the wonders of family, friends, magazine, DVD’s and even the over enthusiastic Fitness Professional, that will pick you up and keep you moving…..whether you like it or not.

It’s not easy but it does make you feel better when you ‘get moving’ and I won’t preach the textbook stuff to you I will simply tell you my top 3 therapeutic activities which are good for the mine, your body and of course baby.

1)Invest in a good Yoga DVD.
The ‘OOOmmmmming’ and the ‘AAAArrrrhhhing’ may seem a bit far fetched and if like me you also have your mother cracking a smile as you raise and lower your arms, just ignore these factors and think of how calm & relaxed you actually feel. It’s good for ‘balancing’ yourself, helping to control your emotions (I’ve shed enough tears to fill a swimming pool, just ask my husband) through various breathing techniques, and above all its highly recommended (so I’ve been told by friends as well as the textbooks) for labor…… but that, I’ll let you know about after the event!

2)Another favorite would be a good old dance session in front of the mirror with you, bump and of course the all important hairbrush………seriously, when was the last time you did this??
Not only does it make you appreciate the sexy, mother to be body that you are carrying, it gets the hips swinging, the butt shaking and if you can belt a tune out like me, it’s also great exercise for your heart and lungs. My favorite tune at the moment is Shakira, She Wolf (thanks hubby for my Xmas present)……..”there’s a she wolf in the closet, open up and set her free…la la la”!!
Quite poetic I think!

3)Lastly, just go for a walk!
Of course those like me currently experiencing the snow covered roads and fields may prefer to stay at home in the warmth but once you get your layers on, some assistance with tying your shoe laces (what are mothers for) and a little spring in your step, your off and if nothing else it will certainly be refreshing……plus it wears you out so that you might actually get some sleep tonight!

So don’t ignore the textbooks but don’t neglect the simple pleasures that also give you a boost. As everyone keeps reminding me, this IS your time to be selfish and enjoy what makes you happy even if it’s just to stay in bed with a good book….. Thanks to those who have drilled that into me! xxx

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