Friday 7 January 2011

A New Years Resolutions with a side order of Humble Pie!

It’s that time again to start afresh, bring in the new resolutions and throw out the old, but for me I must first eat some humble pie!
You see I have always been good at advising people on health, fitness and nutrition and there are no exceptions to why people cannot lead this kind of lifestyle, and of course having a baby is no excuse (I choked a little as I said that), but boy (or girl) was I wrong!

I started this blog to voice (in my own way) some facts, figures, tips and topics on a subject that has been my passion and way of life since my school days, but I wasn’t prepared for how much things change (in a good way that is) when you have a baby. Before I continue, I must share some of my favourite quotes I have used on my clients over the years…..

“There are 24 hours in a day, surely you can spare 30 minutes to exercise”……

“Good nutrition starts are home”!

“It’s all about balance and routine”!

“A baby is a life changing experience but the experience shouldn’t change your life”…….

I especially like the last one…….WHAT WAS I THINKING!

Since being pregnant we created our own Bermuda triangle between flying from Abu Dhabi to the UK back to Abu Dhabi, then to South Africa, back to the UK, back to South Africa, and then finally back to Abu Dhabi.....a somewhat planned/unplanned added adventure but it’s only natural to get out of routine somewhere on route!! 
Did I also mentioned we have lived with friends and family in 4 different places before finally settling down in our new home in a location we plan to stay in for a long long time. All of this has been accomplished in the last 18 months, so actually doing what I preach to people was like swallowing nails as I ate my own words.

Living a healthy and nutritional lifestyle is just that….it’s a lifestyle! But sometimes things happen where it’s not always easy to “do what you use to do” so you need to change your habits to suit your new lifestyle and that takes time and of course a little patience (as Gary Barlow keeps telling me). Having a baby is a life changing experience but it’s also a full time job and not always easy when you and your partner both work and are miles from family.

My beautiful 10 months old baby girl gives me enough of a workout right now and besides if I had 30 minutes to myself all I want to do is put my feet up and read a book, I may have cooked a healthy balanced meal but I also want a few healthy sized glasses of wine to go with it and my only routine right now is knowing I have to drop the baby at nursery by 7.15am or I will be late for work!

But alas, it is a New Year with new resolutions (one of which is to write my blogs more frequent – watch this space), exercise routines will form over time, healthy eating will slowly come back into play and soon the sun will be up earlier again so I can make time for that 30 minute workout and slowly but surely a healthy, balanced lifestyle will form once again.

So if like me you are slowly realizing that you can’t control everything and you don’t have all the answers, just remember a baby is a true blessing in a happy chaotic way and things will come right eventually and all you need is……a little patience (good old Gary B)….and a few good friends!!!

Thank you to my wonderful man and my good friends for keeping me sane! 